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    Live Music 結果共11筆

  • Mayday concert ends with virtual encore amid storm

    Discover how Taiwanese band Mayday and their fans braved a storm during a concert in Taipei, turning an unexpected weather challenge into a memorable virtual encore.
    2024/05/01 14:24
  • Accusefive concert draws 40K fans, boosts Yilan tourism

    Experience the electrifying concert that made history in Yilan as Accusefive’s ’Around the New World’ tour drew over 40,000 fans, boosting local tourism and setting records. Witness the spectacle of 8,000 fireworks and the band’s unforgettable performances, including their chart-topping hits.
    2024/03/18 13:50
  • Mayday rumored to rock Beijing with 10-day concert series

    Mayday fans are abuzz as rumors swirl about a possible Beijing concert tour in May. The Taiwanese rock band’s label, B’in Music, advises fans to await official announcements for accurate information. Mayday’s upcoming 25th-anniversary concert in Taiwan at the Kaohsiung National Stadium on March 23 is also highly anticipated.
    2024/03/14 17:21
  • 成軍20年!宇宙人備戰小巨蛋進度曝 過年後重大計畫公開

    金曲樂團宇宙人2023年成績亮眼,舉辦17場「理想狀態」巡迴演唱會、5場2023夏季巡迴演唱會,更參與日本LIVE殿堂Summer Sonic音樂節,還一舉奪下金曲獎,歌曲在KKBOX、Spotify、Apple music共3大音樂串流平台,創下2400萬播放次數,各行各業活動邀約滿檔。
    2024/01/12 11:37
  • 才推出耶誕新歌!周杰倫報喜「二登CNN」 跨年好消息公開了

    天王周杰倫(周董)推出新單曲〈聖誕星〉,為粉絲提前送上耶誕禮物,國際音樂平台YouTube Music也在紐約及洛杉磯的巨型戶外螢幕上曝光MV,讓歌曲遠播海外。另外他的國際影響力受到外媒重視,CNN國際頻道特別邀約他在今年跨年的「New Year’s Eve Live」新年特別節目進行訪談,由CNN駐香港資深主播Kristie Lu Stout採訪。
    2023/12/23 18:08
  • Keelung Mayor plans music boost, eyes Taipei Center tie-up

    Keelung Mayor George Hsieh plans to enhance the city’s cultural scene by partnering with the Taipei Music Center to bring more artistic and music events to Keelung. Hsieh’s visit to the music center included a tour and discussions about establishing a professional music venue in Keelung similar to a live house. As part of Keelung’s "Love Keelung Year-End Concert," the event will be broadcast on the 3D screen at Aniverse Keelung. Hsieh aims to collaborate with the Taipei Music Center on cross-over performances and pop music concerts, inspired by the "SoffeeDays" series. The line-up for the year-end concert includes Amber An, Nine One One, Kimberley Chen, Ailing Tai, and U:NUS, with a second stage at Guomen Square to enhance the festive atmosphere.
    2023/12/19 15:42
  • Fans voice for Wu Bai: Sing-along concerts stir viral buzz

    Taiwanese rock icon Wu Bai captivates fans with his ’silent mic’ technique, as fans enthusiastically sing the lead or backing vocals at his concerts. This unique collaborative atmosphere has turned into a viral joke, highlighting their affection for Wu Bai’s unorthodox approach to live shows. The deep connection between Wu Bai and his audience is reflected in incidents where the crowd spontaneously burst into song, showcasing their shared appreciation for his music and stage charisma.
    2023/12/08 17:31
  • 孫盛希快看!緋聞男友星國炸肌開唱 女粉尾隨還約上飯店

    孫盛希的緋聞男友、新生代潮流音樂人「Kire」凱爾,日前與《大嘻哈時代2》Gummy B 、wannasleep、問題總部、Abus Tanapima 阿布絲、問題總部 It’s Your Fault,一同代表台灣赴新加坡登東南亞大型音樂節「Music Matters Live 2023」,異性緣極好的他,還被當地女粉絲相約到飯店吃消夜、聊天,讓他驚嚇不已。
    2023/09/30 11:43
  • Tiger Mountain Ramble to unfold on Saturday in Taipei

    The Tiger Ramble will take place on December 10th this year. This event is heading into its 8th year, where music lovers can enjoy an afternoon of live performances, food and beverage.
    2022/12/06 20:29
  • 瘦子E.SO與小春Kenzy為Toyota TV獻唱 門票限時開催!

    Toyota TV網路直播節目以新車開箱、線上音樂會、美食旅遊等多元題材,掌握新世代潮流脈動。透過高互動性的社群直播內容,自2019年至今已累積播出68集,持續吸引年輕網友線上觀看。為了回饋觀眾與粉絲的支持,Toyota攜手金曲嘻哈團體《頑童MJ116》成員瘦子E.SO與小春Kenzy,共同舉辦首場《Toyota TV嘻哈一夏演唱會》,即將在8月13日於台北PIPE Live Music演出,並同步於Toyota TV線上直播,帶給粉絲們最潮的嘻哈饒舌魅力。
    2020/07/29 19:01
  • LINE邀你來找碴 擴大資安漏洞回報計劃

    通訊軟體LINE宣布將擴大「資安漏洞回報獎金計劃」的規模,範圍除原有的iPhone與Android系統,也將Chrome、Windows 10手機版、LINE STORE、LINE NEWS、LINE MUSIC以及LINE LIVE等網站納入計劃中。
    2017/04/18 14:53
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